Mindful travel is everything that fits in the here and now of a journey. And also those aspects of yourself that stay in and out of it, you decide where you want to direct your attention. You decide where you want to direct your attention: will that inner voice that keeps you from enjoying the present one hundred percent because it always drags you somewhere else win, or will you embrace the moment with all your being to live it in body and soul during your holiday? Mindfulness will help you become a happy traveller, transmitting that energy of wholeness to the people you meet, the experiences you have and the destinations you visit. Because good vibes feed on good vibes. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Iberostar hotels are designed for you to reconnect with the essential. Throughout this article, we will guide you along a path of self-discovery and personal growth that you can follow during your stay anywhere in the world. We'll explain what this revolutionary philosophy is all about, talk about its benefits and also share some mindfulness exercises for children, as well as some tips to put into practice while you're enjoying your home away from home: your (better) travelling self.
What is mindful travel?
Mindful travel proposes applying mindfulness to travel. The result is a more sustainable, more respectful and more authentic holiday. Mindful travel puts wellbeing at the centre. It offers a holistic (part of a whole) and environmentally responsible approach (it opens you to take an interest in other cultures and care for the environment). It could be said that this approach can accommodate many journeys at the same time, including those aimed at a greater understanding of oneself and others. In this sense, community-based tourism, also known as CT, which allows travellers to engage with local communities on a deeper level, has much to contribute. Ecotourism, gastro-tourism, active and adventure tourism or cultural tourism are shaping this vision through the different manifestations of the same vacational spirit.
The art of being present
Mindfulness exercises will help you master the beautiful art of being present. And no, it's not about sitting for long periods of time with your legs crossed, and your eyes closed while your mind goes blank. Rather, it is about doing every activity, no matter how simple, with full awareness; about enjoying each moment of your holiday with all your senses, including the one that keeps you connected to your heart. A feeling of total joy will expand before you. You will savour and better understand the local food and interact with nature from a different perspective. Focusing on breath and remaining calm helps, although you don't have to become a Buddhist monk overnight to access the power of your own presence. Just concentrate on what you are doing at any given moment, paying as much attention as you can to your physical sensations. As a support, notice the sounds, colours, aromas, textures and tastes of your surroundings. Observe. Feel. And then be grateful.
Appreciating the little things in life
Have you ever gazed at a sunset that left you speechless, taken your first bite of a fruit so aromatic and delicious that, for a few seconds, you forgot all your problems, felt the warmth of the sun and the power of the seawater on your skin on a dreamy beach and thought of nothing else? Appreciating the little things in life (the most fundamental things) is also a form of mindful travel. In these short periods of time, the mind and its incessant activity take a back seat. Travel gives you a unique opportunity to focus on the simplest things, celebrating the gift of being alive and the wonder of existence.
Why apply mindfulness during your holidays?
More awareness
The benefits of mindful travel are endless. If you follow the above tips, you will begin to notice a primal clarity and lucidity within yourself, stripped of any conditioning that prevents you from evolving and experiencing. You will be able to observe the world, observe others and observe yourself without judgement. You will enter what is called a state of consciousness. This is why, when we speak of conscious travel, we are referring to a type of holiday where both what you experience and what you feel (and consequently also what you learn) is intensified. Travelling in this way means making the most of each and every moment of your stay - surely this is one of your goals when you travel!
Respect for the Earth and all beings that inhabit it.
You will never perceive your symbiotic relationship with nature in a purer and more real way than when, by distancing yourself from your rational brain and coming closer to your core, you also come closer to your place on this planet as part of a universal web. That web is made up of all the animals and plants on Earth. Mindfulness supports all existence, promoting environmental protection by breaking down the fictitious barriers between species and creating bonds by showing them. So, if natural forests or marine ecosystems such as coral reefs already seemed amazing to you before practising mindfulness, wait until you see what it feels like to internalise all that magnificence from a state of absolute union.
Physical, mental and spiritual health
You may have already guessed that healthy holiday living goes beyond staying active through sport or nourishing your body with healthy food and drink, although these aspects are also important for mindful travel. If your purpose encompasses not only physical health, but also mental and spiritual health (it's all linked), mindfulness and meditation will certainly contribute to feeling healthy from the inside out. By meditating, you will be laying the foundation for your happiness. Other dynamic outdoor activities, such as cooking and craft workshops, hiking and cycling excursions and seaside massages and treatments, will emphasise the conviction that wherever you are, there is nothing better than you being here and now. At these Iberostar hotels with spa and relaxation, all you have to do is let yourself be pampered by expert hands.
Connecting with others
Conscious travel strengthens existing bonds and creates new ones. Even if at some vital moment you decide to go off on your own to explore the world, that determination will push you out of your comfort zone to get to know yourself better. In company, getaways with friends will bring you and your beasts closer together. You will live experiences together, and by being fully present in these group experiences, you will also inhabit each other's inner selves. The same will be true for romantic holidays as a couple or family trips, where young and old will have fun and learn to exercise mindfulness by sharing it.
Lower stress levels and greater concentration
You come back from your holidays seemingly calm and relaxed but, when you have to face the routine again, you feel more stressed than when you left, and you find it hard to pick up the pace and maintain your focus. You also find it hard to get back into the swing of things and maintain your focus. Does this feeling sound familiar? Well, mindful getaways will help make the return less of a struggle. If, during the trip, you have worked on your mental capacity to focus on a single activity, harmonise your breathing, perceive the sensations of your body and appreciate and be grateful for everything around you, when you return you will have lower levels and greater concentration. In addition, conscious, quality rest promotes creativity, resilience and the brain's ability to be productive.
Saying thank you before going to sleep
Mindful travel has a lot to do with gratitude, and gratitude can also be trained. An ideal practice for teaching children and laying the foundation for adult awareness is to share with others three things for which you are grateful at the end of the day. They don't have to be big milestones. You don't even have to think about it too much. A brief pause of appreciation before going to bed is enough for young and old alike to understand that, with enough attention, beauty and abundance can be found in every corner of the human experience. Giving thanks in the present tense prevents the mind from wandering into the past or the future - check out these tips for kids on holiday for more mindful travel ideas!