a turtle in the sand

Sea turtles symbolise longevity and wisdom. In some cultures, they are associated with rebirth and spiritual protection, and also with the union between water and land, as they are aquatic and terrestrial creatures, linked to both worlds. There is a myth with Hindu roots, which finds its correspondence in other philosophies, about a turtle that holds the Earth on its shell. The resilience and strength of marine species, together with their powerful appearance, have given rise to inspiring stories passed down from generation to generation over time. Observing these beings in their natural habitat will help you connect with the greatness of all existence, through theirs and your own. You just have to know how to look.

Where do sea turtles live?

If you are now wondering where sea turtles live, bear in mind that they have a predilection for the tropical and subtropical seas of the planet and that, depending on the species, they tend to live more or less far from the coasts. In general, their location is determined by the food available at different depths and also by the nesting and spawning seasons, when females approach beaches. In addition, some of these animals migrate to temperate and even polar areas. But, broadly speaking, all the places where sea turtles live have two things in common: waters that tend to be warm and the possibility of a feast.

Coral reefs, which are essential for preserving healthy coasts and oceans and thus also for ensuring environmental balance, are home to many of them. Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica, as well as Brazil, are among their favourite destinations in the Americas. In the latter country, in Praia do Forte, a natural paradise ideal for ecotourism and for spotting these and other marine creatures, Iberostar's hotels collaborate with the TAMAR Project, which looks after them with a protected area where the females can come to spawn and care for their young before returning to the sea.

Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

The shell of the hawksbill turtle shines like a precious jewel, especially when it reflects sunlight across the surface of the water. With more than thirteen central translucent scutes and up to ten pairs of marginal scutes, its colour patterns range from black and brown to amber, yellow and dark red. It is smaller than other chelonians, with a length of 60-120 centimetres (23-47 inches) and a weight of 60-90 kilos (9.4-14 stones). It likes warm waters and the open sea, so it lives a peaceful existence in tropical and subtropical areas of the Earth, and can live between 30 and 50 years.

Because of centuries of hunting for their beautiful scales, used to carve handicrafts, hawksbill turtles have evolved their skin to be toxic. This toxicity comes from their main food, sea sponges, which contain a poison that is lethal to other predators. Fortunately, the species is now protected and, as with all sea turtles, laws prohibit their capture. In some destinations it is possible to see them ethically and without interfering with their routines, for example, during a diving session in the Riviera Maya or snorkelling in the nearby island of Cozumel, two paradises for aquatic fauna. Females also spawn between June and October on the beaches of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.

a turtle swimming under water

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)

The imposing (up to 47 inches long and weighing up to 31.5 stones) loggerhead turtle, also known as loggerhead or yellow turtle, is endangered in Mexico and Baja California, as well as in the other temperate and tropical zones of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where it lives. But it was not always an animal: for some native peoples of the Yucatan Peninsula, it is identified with the sacred mother who gave birth to all mankind.

To perpetuate their own lineage, females spawn in the exact place where they were born, which they remember thanks to their instinctive memory. They may appear to cry when they stay on land; this is because their lacrimal glands excrete excess salt from the seawater. Their carnivorous diet gives them powerful jaws, which allow them to crush crustaceans such as crabs and shrimps. They also eat jellyfish and small fish, and even some algae to supplement their diet of vitamins and minerals.

a turtle swimming under water

Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)

The green turtle is the only turtle that feeds entirely on plants as an adult, and it is also the largest and strongest: its weight ranges from 160 to 250 kilos (25 to 39 stones) and its size from 80 to 130 centimetres (31 to 51 inches). In its juvenile stage, it also eats small crustaceans and fish. When it becomes an adult, its diet becomes vegetarian, gradually changing colour until it becomes the same colour as the vegetables it eats. Fascinating, isn't it? Its home is tropical, subtropical and temperate oceans, although it prefers shallow waters close to islands and bays, with seagrass beds. As mentioned above, some scientists claim that its subspecies Chelonia agassizii is actually a distinct species from Chelonia mydas, although no consensus has been reached so far.

Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

The only class of these animals that belongs to the Dermochelys family also impresses with its majestic presence, as it can weigh more than 400 kilos (63 stones) and measure more than two metres (78 inches). Instead of scales, its shell is covered by a mosaic-like keel or carapace, with a very tough skin that protects it from environmental threats. Its flippers are proportionally larger than those of other turtles. And, unlike Cheloniidae, it has no horns. It feeds mainly on jellyfish, but also on squid, crustaceans, fish and sea urchins. It has the gift of orientation, guided by the earth's magnetic field. Thanks to it, leatherback turtles leave tropical waters every year to swim to polar waters following the Gulf Stream.

Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus)

As you may have guessed from its name, the flatback turtle has a shell that is striking for its flatness, as it has no protrusions. It does, however, have a curious border around its edge, giving it a very elegant appearance. As an adult, it measures between 95 and 130 centimetres (37.5 and 51 inches) and weighs between 100 and 150 kilos (15 and 23.5 stones). It can only be seen in a very specific area of the globe, between Australia, Indonesia and Papua Guinea, as it is endemic to the Australian continent, where it is protected. In fact, its females only spawn on a few beaches in northern Australia (the males never return to land). Its carnivorous diet is based on marine invertebrates such as sea cucumbers, shellfish and jellyfish.

Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)

Like the green turtle, the olive ridley turtle is also called olive ridley because of its olive-coloured shell. Its other name, olive ridley, refers to the Gulfs of Mexico and California, where it has reigned as a species for centuries. It measures between 50 and 75 centimetres (19.6 and 29.5 inches)and weighs between 40 and 50 kilos (6 and 7.8 stones), although it is not the smallest type. It has become a star on the Pacific coasts of Central America, from Mexico to Costa Rica via Panama and from South America to Suriname, on whose shores it performs its theatrical "arribadas" or mass spawning landings. Although it is considered mainly herbivorous, it may also occasionally eat crustaceans, molluscs and jellyfish.

Kemp's ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempii)

The Kemp's ridley is the most difficult to find and also the smallest of all: it is usually no more than 70 centimetres long (27.5 inches). Some are even 45 centimetres long (17 inches), and weigh between 30 and 50 kilos (6 and 7.8 stones). Its territory is limited to the Mexican beach of Rancho Nuevo, a nature reserve in the state of Tamaulipas, which has become its sanctuary, as 70% of the nesting females are concentrated there. Endemic to the Gulf of Mexico, this chelonian is at greater risk of extinction than other species with a greater capacity to adapt to living in different places.

Why are sea turtles endangered?

Many of the places where sea turtles live are protected, as all species have been classified as vulnerable (loggerhead, olive ridley and leatherback), endangered (green) or critically endangered (hawksbill and Kemp's ridley) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the body responsible for establishing this classification for animals and plants. In the case of flatbacks, the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act considers them vulnerable, although there is currently insufficient data to place them on the IUCN Red List.

The reasons for their endangerment have mostly to do with human irresponsibility. Pollution of the seas and coasts and the climate crisis, which is changing the global climate, make it increasingly difficult for many animals to survive in their ecosystems. Rising water temperatures, for example, can affect the natural behaviours of chelonians as well as other sea creatures that feed on them. And although laws protect them, illegal poaching is still going on.

With small gestures and simple conscious choices, you can help improve coastal health and therefore the lives of sea turtles. Any ideas? When you travel, try as much as possible to opt for restaurants that prioritise local, seasonal ingredients and fish and seafood from responsibly caught sources. By doing so, you will also be supporting the local fishing and farming economies, on which many families depend. Take a look at this guide to community-based tourism for inspiration.

How are sea turtles born?

Watching sea turtles hatch is like witnessing a beautiful manifestation of the wonder of life. Every three or four years, adult females in nesting season leave the water and look for the best spot on the beach to dig a hole in the sand. There they lay several dozen eggs (between 50 and 200 per nest), bury them and then return to the sea. The incubation period may vary from one species to another, but usually lasts between 40 and 70 days. Once mature, the eggs hatch and the baby turtles emerge into the world. The hatchlings emerge from the sand and, all together, run flapping their tiny flippers towards the ocean.

In destinations where you can see sea turtles such as the island of Aruba, as well as in others we have already mentioned, such as Praia do Forte, in Brazil, or the Riviera Maya and Cozumel, in Mexico, you will be lucky enough to witness this magical moment in a way that respects the animals and from a certain distance. Keep in mind that this is one of the most vulnerable moments for them, as predators take advantage of it to attack. This is another reason why protected spawning grounds are set up in places around the world where this phenomenon occurs.